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Discover Excellence in Education at North Star Academy Washington Park High School

Discover Excellence in Education at North Star Academy Washington Park High School

Are you tired of subpar education and lackluster academic environments? Look no further than North Star Academy's Washington Park High School, where excellence is the standard and students are motivated to succeed.

With a 100% graduation rate and impressive college acceptance rates, North Star Academy has become a cornerstone in the Newark community for providing high-quality education to young scholars. But what sets Washington Park apart from other high schools?

First and foremost, the rigor of the curriculum cannot be overstated. With Advanced Placement courses in a variety of subjects and a focus on STEM education, students are constantly challenged to push their limits and think critically. But fear not, there are also plenty of opportunities for the arts, with a robust music program and theater productions that rival Broadway.

And it's not just academics that make Washington Park special - the school fosters a strong sense of community and encourages student involvement in extracurricular activities. From sports teams to robotics clubs, there's something for everyone to get involved in.

But perhaps the most unique aspect of Washington Park is the emphasis on character education. From day one, students are taught to value honesty, integrity, and kindness, and those values are woven into every aspect of school life. It's not just about getting good grades, but about becoming a good person.

Of course, none of this would be possible without the exceptional faculty and staff at North Star Academy. With passionate teachers who go above and beyond to support their students, and administrators who are dedicated to creating a positive and inspiring learning environment, it's no wonder Washington Park is thriving.

But don't just take our word for it - the numbers speak for themselves. In the 2020-2021 school year, 98% of Washington Park students passed their AP exams, and over half scored a 4 or higher. And with a student-teacher ratio of 12:1, students receive the individual attention they need to achieve their goals.

But perhaps the most impressive statistic is that 92% of North Star Academy alumni have graduated from college - a testament to the school's commitment to ensuring its students are ready for success beyond high school.

So if you're looking for an exceptional high school experience, look no further than North Star Academy's Washington Park High School. With a rigorous curriculum, strong sense of community, and unwavering commitment to character education, this school is the solution you've been searching for. Don't wait - apply today.

North Star Academy Washington Park High School
"North Star Academy Washington Park High School" ~ bbaz
North Star Academy Washington Park High School is one of the most prominent schools in New Jersey. The incredible reputation that this school has established over the years comes from its innovative approach to teaching and its excellent faculty members. In this article, we will explore some of the reasons why North Star Academy Washington Park High School is considered a top tier school.

Academic Excellence

North Star Academy Washington Park High School is renowned for its academic excellence. The school is committed to providing its students with a challenging curriculum that prepares them for college and beyond. The faculty members at North Star Academy Washington Park High School are experts in their respective fields and are passionate about teaching. They inspire their students to strive for excellence and never settle for anything less than success.

Honors Program

The Honors Program at North Star Academy Washington Park High School is designed to challenge and motivate high-achieving students. The program offers advanced courses in math, science, English, social studies, and language. Students who successfully complete the Honors Program receive special recognition during graduation, demonstrating their academic achievements.


North Star Academy Washington Park High School is proud of its diverse student body. The school welcomes students from all backgrounds, cultures, and religions. It promotes an inclusive community where every student feels valued and respected. The students at North Star Academy Washington Park High School learn to appreciate diversity and develop a strong sense of empathy towards others.

Extracurricular Activities

The school offers a wide variety of extracurricular activities that cater to the interests of every student. From sports teams to debate clubs, there is something for everyone. These activities provide students with opportunities to develop their talents, make new friends, and build leadership skills.


North Star Academy Washington Park High School is a pioneer in integrating technology into its curriculum. The school uses state-of-the-art technology to enhance the learning experience of its students. Every student is provided with a laptop which they use in their classes. The use of technology also allows for more personalized instruction and makes it easier to track student progress.

College Readiness

North Star Academy Washington Park High School prepares its students for college from day one. The school offers college preparatory courses, guidance counseling, and application support. Students also have the opportunity to participate in college tours and visits. As a result, many North Star Academy Washington Park High School alumni have gone on to attend top universities across the country.

Community Engagement

The school encourages its students to give back to their community through various service projects and initiatives. These activities help students develop a sense of responsibility and empathy towards those in need. North Star Academy Washington Park High School believes that community service is an essential part of character development and encourages all its students to participate.

Parent Involvement

North Star Academy Washington Park High School believes that strong parent involvement is vital for the success of its students. The school actively engages parents in their child's education through regular communication, meetings, and workshops. Parents are encouraged to participate in school events and activities, which create a sense of community and promote student success.In conclusion, North Star Academy Washington Park High School is an exceptional school that provides its students with a challenging curriculum, top-notch faculty members, a diverse community, and cutting-edge technology. The school's commitment to academic excellence, college readiness, and community engagement has helped it establish itself as one of the finest schools in New Jersey.

Comparison between North Star Academy and Washington Park High School


North Star Academy (NSA) and Washington Park High School (WPHS) are two well-known high schools in the United States that aim to provide quality education to their students. While both institutions share the same goal, they have fundamental differences that distinguish them from each other. In this article, we will compare and contrast NSA and WPHS based on various factors, such as academic performance, student life, faculty, and campus facilities.

Academic Performance

NSA is known for its rigorous academic curriculum that prepares students to succeed in college. According to U.S. News & World Report, NSA ranks #1 in New Jersey and #23 nationally among public high schools. On the other hand, WPHS has an average graduation rate of 88.1% and a college readiness score of 16.7 out of 100, according to

A comparison table regarding their academic performance can be seen below:

School Graduation Rate (%) College Readiness Score (/100) National Rank
North Star Academy 99% 78.4 #23
Washington Park High School 88.1% 16.7 N/A


It is evident that NSA is superior in terms of academic performance and college readiness. The school's focus on developing critical thinking, writing, and research skills sets students up for success in post-secondary education. On the other hand, WPHS has much room for improvement in these areas.

Student Life

NSA and WPHS have different student cultures and approaches to extracurricular activities. NSA emphasizes community building, leadership development, and personal responsibility. Students are encouraged to participate in clubs, sports, and arts programs that cater to their interests and talents. Meanwhile, WPHS has limited extracurricular offerings, and the school does not prioritize community service or civic engagement.

Here's a comparison table of their student life:

School Extracurricular Offerings Community Service Opportunities Civic Engagement Emphasis
North Star Academy Over 50 clubs, sports teams, and arts programs Mandatory community service hours High emphasis
Washington Park High School Less than 20 clubs, sports teams, and arts programs Voluntary community service opportunities Low emphasis


In terms of student life, NSA offers a more well-rounded and enjoyable high school experience. The school's vast array of extracurricular options and mandatory community service hours promote personal growth and civic responsibility. On the other hand, WPHS does not provide as many opportunities for students to express themselves or serve their community.


The quality of teachers and staff is a critical factor in determining the success of a high school. NSA and WPHS have different approaches to hiring and training their faculty. NSA boasts a highly qualified staff of teachers with advanced degrees and extensive teaching experience. The school invests heavily in professional development programs to ensure that its teachers are up-to-date with the latest teaching practices and trends. WPHS, on the other hand, has lower average teacher salaries and less rigorous professional development opportunities.

Here's a comparison table of their faculty:

School Average Teacher Salary ($) % of Teachers with Advanced Degrees Professional Development Programs Offered
North Star Academy 85,000 85% Mandatory and voluntary options
Washington Park High School 55,000 60% Minimal options


It is clear that NSA values the quality of its staff by investing in their professional development and paying higher-than-average salaries. WPHS could improve its faculty retention and overall effectiveness by offering more competitive pay and investing in professional development opportunities.

Campus Facilities

Lastly, a high school's facilities and resources play a major role in student learning and comfort. NSA and WPHS have different approaches to campus enhancement and maintenance. NSA has modern and well-maintained facilities, including a library, state-of-the-art science labs and an auditorium. WPHS has older facilities, limited access to technology, and fewer resources for extracurricular activities and student support.

Here's a comparison table of their campus facilities:

School Campus Amenities Access to Technology Student Support Resources
North Star Academy Newer and modern facilities; Library, Science Labs, Auditorium Full access, technology integrated into curriculum Guidance counselors, mental health professionals, after-school tutoring
Washington Park High School Older facilities, limited amenities; Outdated technology Limited access, few technology programs Minimal guidance counseling, limited tutoring availability


Campus facilities are crucial in providing a conducive learning environment. NSA's modern and well-maintained facilities provide students with a comfortable and safe space for learning and extracurricular activities. On the other hand, WPHS could use more resources for campus enhancement and maintenance to improve student satisfaction and comfort.


In conclusion, NSA and WPHS are both high schools that aim to provide quality education to their students. However, there are notable differences between the two, such as academic performance, student life, faculty, and campus facilities. While NSA ranks superior to WPHS in many areas, it is important to keep in mind that each school has its strengths and weaknesses. Ultimately, the choice between the two schools depends on individual priorities and preferences.

Tips and Tricks to Succeed at North Star Academy’s Washington Park High School


North Star Academy’s Washington Park High School is a highly sought-after charter school in Newark, New Jersey. With a rigorous academic program that prepares students for college, this establishment focuses on creating knowledgeable and engaged individuals with bright futures. If you’re considering attending this illustrious institution, there are a few tips and tricks to help you succeed.

1. Stay Organized

One of the most important things you can do while attending North Star Academy’s Washington Park High School is staying organized. With a packed schedule full of challenging coursework, extracurricular activities, and community service projects, it’s easy to fall behind. Creating a daily or weekly planner can help you manage your workload and make the most out of your time.

2. Manage Your Time Wisely

With a busy agenda, managing your time effectively is essential. You can use the Pomodoro Technique where you divide your work into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks ranging from 3 to 5 minutes. This strategy helps you stay focused and avoid burnout.

3. Take Advantage of Resources

At North Star Academy’s Washington Park High School, you have access to multiple resources that can help you succeed. The school has a rigorous academic curriculum, dedicated faculty and staff members, and a tight-knit community of classmates who share similar goals and aspirations.

4. Stay Focused on Your Goals

While attending North Star Academy’s Washington Park High School, it’s essential to remember why you’re there in the first place. Whether your goal is to achieve academic excellence, participate in extracurricular activities, or give back to your community, keeping your eyes on the prize can help you stay motivated and driven.

5. Develop Strong Study Habits

Developing strong study habits is critical to succeeding at North Star Academy’s Washington Park High School. Create a study schedule, attend after-school tutoring or study groups, and review your notes regularly. Studying for short periods and testing yourself can be more effective than studying for long hours.

6. Join Extracurricular Activities

Participating in extracurricular activities can help you develop leadership skills, explore your passions, and enhance your resume for future college applications. North Star Academy’s Washington Park High School offers a wide range of clubs, sports teams, and service projects to get involved in.

7. Embrace Challenges

North Star Academy’s Washington Park High School is known for its rigorous academic program. While it may be challenging, embracing these tough obstacles can be rewarding. You’ll sharpen your abilities and learn valuable life lessons along the way.

8. Build Strong Relationships

At North Star Academy’s Washington Park High School, building strong relationships can provide you with an excellent support system and ensure your success. Whether it’s your peers, teachers, or counselors, developing strong bonds can help you through the toughest of times.

9. Focus on Self-Care

As much as you’ll focus on academics, participating in extracurricular activities, and community service initiatives, don’t forget to take care of yourself. Make time for relaxation, exercise, healthy eating, and socializing with friends.

10. Get Involved in Community Service

North Star Academy’s Washington Park High School emphasizes giving back to the community. This can give you a sense of purpose and help you develop important leadership skills. Participate in service initiatives, attend workshops or join a community organization.


By following these essential tips and tricks, you'll be on the path to academic success at North Star Academy’s Washington Park High School. Remember to stay focused, embrace challenges, prioritize self-care, and take advantage of the many resources available to you. Above all, develop strong study habits, build meaningful relationships, and get involved in your community to create a dynamic and positive future.

Exploring North Star Academy: A Diamond in the Rough

North Star Academy Washington Park High School is a public charter school that has been delivering excellence in education since its inception in 2009. It caters to underprivileged students from kindergarten to 12th grade with the promise of bridging the gap between low-income families and quality education.

The school is located in Newark, New Jersey, in an area that has been considered one of the most challenging neighborhoods in the country. Nonetheless, with a strong commitment to educating students, North Star has steadily gained a reputation as one of the best schools in the region.

At North Star, the emphasis is on providing a high-quality education that equips students with the necessary skills for a productive future. For the past decade, the school has maintained an impressive academic record, with graduating students proceeding to renowned universities like Rutgers, Princeton, Columbia, among others.

The school's excellent performance can be attributed to its innovative curriculum that includes essential courses like mathematics, science, social studies, English language, and arts, among others. The subjects are designed to equip students with a broad spectrum of knowledge while fostering practical skills like problem-solving and critical thinking.

Additionally, the school has a strong focus on character building. It incorporates programs and activities that help to shape students' morals, values, and ethical principles. There are several opportunities for community service, leadership development, and social activities, which students can participate in to develop their hidden potential.

North Star Academy's faculty consists of highly trained, experienced, and dedicated professionals who are committed to ensuring that each student succeeds. The teachers go above and beyond in providing academic support, counseling, and mentorship, making the students feel valued and appreciated.

Furthermore, North Star Academy has a robust support system that empowers students to achieve their academic and emotional potential. The school provides resources like counseling services, tutoring programs, and wellness programs for students who need extra support. This has helped many students overcome barriers to academic success, including social, emotional, and psychological challenges.

Another notable feature of North Star Academy is its magnificent facilities. The school has modern classrooms, a vast library, computer labs, science labs, music, and art studios, among other features. These facilities are well-maintained and provide a conducive learning environment where students can thrive.

In conclusion, if you are looking for a high-quality education that goes beyond academics, North Star Academy Washington Park High School is the place to be. It offers an exceptional educational experience that equips students with lifelong skills and values necessary to succeed in today's world. By choosing North Star Academy, you will be investing in your child's future and giving them a head start in life.

Make the smart choice by enrolling your child at North Star Academy Washington Park High School today.

People Also Ask About North Star Academy Washington Park High School

What is North Star Academy Washington Park High School?

North Star Academy Washington Park High School is a public charter school located in Newark, New Jersey. The school serves students in grades K-12 and offers a rigorous college-preparatory curriculum.

What makes North Star Academy Washington Park High School unique?

North Star Academy Washington Park High School is known for its high academic standards and commitment to providing all students with a quality education. The school has a 100% college acceptance rate and a diverse student body that reflects the community it serves.

  • The school offers a rigorous college-preparatory curriculum.
  • Students are encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities such as sports, clubs, and community service.
  • The school has a strong focus on character development and leadership skills.

How do I enroll my child at North Star Academy Washington Park High School?

Enrollment at North Star Academy Washington Park High School is open to all students who live in Newark and the surrounding areas. Parents can apply online or in person at the school. The enrollment process varies depending on the grade level of your child.

What kind of programs and services does North Star Academy Washington Park High School offer?

North Star Academy Washington Park High School offers a variety of programs and services to support student learning and success, including:

  1. Advanced Placement courses
  2. Special Education services
  3. English language learner support
  4. Counseling services
  5. College and career readiness workshops
  6. Extracurricular activities and clubs

What is the student-teacher ratio at North Star Academy Washington Park High School?

The student-teacher ratio at North Star Academy Washington Park High School is approximately 12:1. This allows for small class sizes and personalized attention for each student.

Does North Star Academy Washington Park High School have a dress code?

Yes, North Star Academy Washington Park High School has a dress code that requires students to wear uniforms. The dress code promotes a sense of community and helps students focus on their education rather than their appearance.