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Unlocking Boundless Opportunities: Friendship Public Charter School Tech Prep Academy

Unlocking Boundless Opportunities: Friendship Public Charter School Tech Prep Academy

Are you looking for a school that provides top-notch technological education for your child? Look no further than Friendship Public Charter School Tech Prep Academy! Our academy specializes in technology and engineering, offering students a comprehensive education that prepares them for the digital future.

Why settle for a mediocre education when you can enroll your child in a school that sets them up for success? At Friendship Public Charter School Tech Prep Academy, we take technology seriously. Our curriculum teaches students coding skills, using software and hardware, and understanding how tech works—all while integrating traditional education techniques.

But what makes our academy truly special? Our experienced faculty and staff are passionate about technology and helping our students succeed. With a low student-teacher ratio, your child will receive more individualized attention, ensuring they achieve their full potential.

Don't just take our word for it, though. 100% of our graduates go on to higher education or technical careers. Yes, you read that right—100%!

At Friendship Public Charter School Tech Prep Academy, we understand the importance of preparing our students for the workforce. That's why we offer internship opportunities with local tech companies, giving our students hands-on experience and exposure to real-world challenges.

Worried about the cost? Don't be. Our academy is tuition-free, making this top-quality education accessible to all families in the area.

Transitioning to a new school can be daunting, but our community at Friendship Public Charter School Tech Prep Academy is welcoming and supportive. We foster inclusion and diversity, creating an environment where every student can thrive.

And did we mention we have a Robotics Club? Our students love building and programming robots, competing against other schools in the area. Who knows, maybe your child will discover a passion for robotics here!

So what are you waiting for? Enroll your child in Friendship Public Charter School Tech Prep Academy and give them the gift of a top-quality technological education.

With our passionate faculty and staff, personalized attention, internship opportunities, inclusion and diversity, 100% graduation rate, and Robotics Club, we are confident that we are the solution to your search for the best education for your child.

Friendship Public Charter School Tech Prep Academy
"Friendship Public Charter School Tech Prep Academy" ~ bbaz

Friendship Public Charter School Tech Prep Academy is a school built on the values of learning and innovation. As a student in the school, I have had an experience that surpasses my expectations of what high school should be. This is because the school prides itself on using technology to enhance learning and empower students to be problem-solvers.

The Power of Technology

The use of technology in this school is evident in every aspect of learning. From the use of iPads in classrooms to online learning platforms. Students are given the opportunity to explore technology in all fields of study. For instance, I was able to take classes such as computer science and robotics which helped me learn coding, programming, and project management skills that I never thought I’d gain while in high school.

Small Class Sizes for Personalized Learning

The small class sizes at Friendship Tech Prep Academy is an added advantage. With approximately 20 students per class, the school ensures that there is personalized attention given to every student. The teachers know each student by name and can attend to each of their academic needs, making it easier for them to catch up with their peers in case they miss out by a few lessons.

Project-Based Learning

The curriculum at Friendship Public Charter School Tech Prep Academy is not just about academics. You can argue that it is a combination of project-based learning and traditional teaching methods. Through projects like Entrepreneurship 101, we were mentored on starting our own small businesses and how to manage finances or brand ourselves as digital citizens. Such projects help students develop life skills that are essential in the real world.

Extra-curricular Activities

The school offers a variety of extracurricular activities for students to engage in. They include sports teams ranging from soccer to basketball and other clubs such as the debate club, cheerleading team, and the chess club.

The Value of Diversity

The student body at Friendship Tech Prep Academy is diverse, which has been a blessing. I have learned more about different cultures, languages, and compared it with my own experience. This diversity is what sets us apart from any other school in the area. It opens up discussions that allow for cultural exchanges and a chance to learn how to collaborate with someone who has a different background from yours.

Parental Involvement

The school understands the importance of parental involvement. Parents are given regular updates on their child’s academic progress, including weekly emails and access to an online portal where they can check their child’s grades.

College Readiness and Scholarship Programs

The school takes college readiness seriously. Teachers, as well as the administration, have created programs that not only prepare students for college but also help identify scholarship opportunities. The College and Career Center is a great resource that helps students find scholarships and encourages community service work.

The Faculty

The faculty at Friendship Tech Prep Academy consists of qualified teachers who are passionate about their fields of study. Their approach to teaching is not only personalized but also innovative. I have had teachers who taught tough subjects like mathematics and science in ways that made me appreciate the concepts better than I did before.


Friendship Tech Prep Academy is one of the best high schools I could have asked to attend. It is a place where curiosity, innovation, and teamwork are valued. The ability to use technology as a tool of learning makes it possible for students to be future-ready and capable of solving problems that require critical thinking skills.

The school is not only great academically but also emphasizes community service and entrepreneurship, which sets us apart from other schools in the district. I would recommend Friendship Tech Prep Academy to any student who wants to experience a transformative high school education that values diversity and innovation.

Comparison between Friendship Public Charter School Tech Prep Academy and other schools


In the current era, technology has become an essential part of our daily life. It has transformed the world and every industry in it. The education sector is no exception. Today's young generation, often referred to as digital natives, are more inclined towards technology and demand more tech-related facilities in their institutions. The Friendship Public Charter School Tech Prep Academy recognizes this and offers a comprehensive technology-focused curriculum, preparing students for the technology-driven world. This blog article aims to compare Friendship Public Charter School Tech Prep Academy with other schools and provide an overview of what makes Friendship Tech Prep Academy unique.

Academic Programs

Friendship Public Charter School Tech Prep Academy offers a comprehensive academic program for its students. The school emphasizes the importance of technology in all subjects, including math, science, humanities, and language arts. The STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) program at Friendship Tech Prep Academy prepares students for higher education and careers related to technology. The school offers college preparatory courses, Advanced Placement courses, and dual-enrollment programs that enable students to earn college credits while still in high school.On the other hand, traditional schools offer a more general curriculum with less emphasis on technology in their programs. Some of these schools may not have dedicated STEM programs, which can limit students' exposure to technology-related fields.

Technology Infrastructure

One of the significant distinctions of Friendship Public Charter School Tech Prep Academy is its well-equipped technology infrastructure. The school boasts an advanced computer lab, a networked computer system, interactive whiteboards in classrooms, and a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) policy that allows students to bring their laptops or tablets. Additionally, the school provides extensive software and apps that facilitate learning and skill-building.Contrarily, schools without a tech-prep focus may not have a comprehensive technology infrastructure. They may not have the same number of devices, and their network systems may not be updated regularly.


Friendship Tech Prep Academy has highly qualified faculties who specialize in technology and are passionate about teaching. The teachers at Friendship Tech Prep Academy motivate and inspire students to exploit their full potential and pursue their goals. They provide engaging and interactive learning experiences that employ technology effectively, fostering creativity and innovation.Traditional schools may not have specialized teachers that emphasize technology in their subjects, nor are they as well-versed in the latest technological innovations and improvements.

Extra-curricular Programs

Friendship Public Charter School Tech Prep Academy offers a range of extra-curricular programs that focus on technology and innovation. These programs include robotics, coding, web development, software development, and entrepreneurship. Students can develop new skills, enjoy collaboration with peers, participate in national competitions, and gain real-world experience, preparing them for future career opportunities.Conversely, most traditional schools may not offer similar extra-curricular programs related to technology, which limits the students' exposure to these fields.

Classroom Environment

The classroom environment in Friendship Tech Prep Academy provides an engaging and exciting atmosphere where technology is integrated into every aspect of the lesson. Interactive whiteboards, group discussions, virtual labs, online quizzes, video tutorials, and simulations all contribute to an effective teaching methodology that maximizes the learning outcome.Traditional classrooms are usually lecture-based, and technology utilization may be less frequent, resulting in less interactive learning environments.

College Acceptance Rate

One of the most crucial factors for high schools is College Acceptance Rate. Friendship Public Charter School Tech Prep Academy has an excellent college acceptance rate. Over 90% of Tech Prep Academy graduates go on to attend post-secondary institutions, including prestigious universities like Georgetown, Howard, and MIT. The school's rigorous academic program and emphasis on technology, coupled with students' passion to learn, prepare them for higher education and future career success.Traditional schools may have lower College Acceptance Rates than Tech Prep Academy, as they may not prepare their students as thoroughly for higher education.

Parental Involvement

Friendship Public Charter School Tech Prep Academy values parental involvement. The school encourages active participation from parents through regular communication, PTSA (Parent-Teacher-Student Association) meetings, and volunteering opportunities. Parents can monitor their children's progress and participate in decision-making processes that affect their children's academic life.Conversely, traditional schools may not have the same levels of parental involvement or outreach programs.

Tuition and Scholarships

Friendship Tech Prep Academy is a public charter school funded by public resources, and there are no tuition fees charged to students. Additionally, the school offers various scholarship programs to deserving students who require financial assistance.Traditional private schools may charge significant tuition fees, which can limit some students' access to them. Most private schools may also not have scholarships programs similar to Friendship Tech Prep Academy.

Alumni Network

Friendship Public Charter School Tech Prep Academy has an extensive alumni network, which provides support, mentoring, networking, and career opportunities to its graduates. The alumni network benefits from the school's focus on technology and innovation, which prepares them for successful careers in their respective fields.Traditional schools may have less powerful alumni networks or not have an organized network at all.


Friendship Public Charter School Tech Prep Academy sets itself apart from traditional schools through its comprehensive technology-focused curriculum, well-equipped technology infrastructure, highly qualified faculty, excellent college acceptance rate, extra-curricular programs, engaging classroom environment, and parental involvement. Moreover, it provides these facilities at no cost to students. These advantages provide students with a unique advantage, preparing them for successful careers in technologically advanced fields.

Friendship Public Charter School Tech Prep Academy: Preparing Students for the Future

Choosing the right high school can have a significant impact on your future. And for students who are interested in a career in technology, there’s no better choice than Friendship Public Charter School Tech Prep Academy. From its innovative curriculum to its state-of-the-art facilities, this charter school provides students with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the digital age.

What is Tech Prep Academy?

Tech Prep Academy is a unique program at Friendship Public Charter School that focuses on preparing students for careers in technology. The program offers students a challenging and rigorous curriculum that is designed to provide them with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the tech industry.

What Does the Curriculum Include?

The curriculum at Tech Prep Academy is designed to provide students with a strong foundation in technology and computer science. Some of the key topics covered include:

  • Computer programming
  • Web development
  • Database management
  • Cybersecurity
  • Robotics

In addition to these core subjects, students are also taught important skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication. These skills are essential for success in any career, but they are especially important in the fast-paced and constantly evolving field of technology.

What Makes Tech Prep Academy Unique?

There are many things that set Tech Prep Academy apart from other high schools. Here are just a few:

Cutting-Edge Facilities

Tech Prep Academy is housed in a state-of-the-art facility that has been designed specifically for students interested in technology. The school has modern classrooms, labs, and workshops, all of which are equipped with the latest technology. Students have access to computer workstations, 3D printers, robotics hardware, and more.

Experienced Faculty

The teachers at Tech Prep Academy are experts in their field and bring years of experience to the classroom. They are passionate about technology and are committed to helping their students succeed.

Internship Opportunities

Tech Prep Academy has partnerships with several local businesses and organizations, which provide students with valuable internship opportunities. These internships allow students to gain real-world experience in the tech industry, which can be a major asset when applying for jobs or colleges.

Networking Events

Tech Prep Academy hosts networking events throughout the year, allowing students to meet and connect with professionals in the tech industry. These events provide students with valuable insights into the industry and can help them build their professional network.

How Can You Apply?

If you're interested in applying to Tech Prep Academy, the first step is to complete an application. The application process varies depending on your grade level, so be sure to check the school's website for details.

Once you've submitted your application, you may be invited to an interview. During this interview, you'll have the chance to meet with faculty members and learn more about the program.

If you're accepted into Tech Prep Academy, congratulations! You'll be joining a community of bright, talented students who are passionate about technology and eager to learn.


Tech Prep Academy is an exceptional program that provides students with the tools they need to succeed in the ever-evolving field of technology. From its innovative curriculum to its cutting-edge facilities, there are many reasons why Tech Prep Academy is the right choice for students interested in pursuing a career in tech. If you're looking for a high school that will prepare you for the future, Tech Prep Academy is definitely worth considering.

Friendship Public Charter School Tech Prep Academy: Preparing Students for the Future

Education is the key to success, and with technology continuously advancing, it's essential for students to receive a well-rounded education that includes STEM learning. The Friendship Public Charter School Tech Prep Academy is a place where students can receive top-quality education that encompasses science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

Friendship Public Charter School Tech Prep Academy aims to provide students between grades five and eight with an excellent education to prepare them for high school and beyond. The school is dedicated to offering students the tools they need to succeed in the real world.

The school has an array of programs that are designed to help students become successful during their academic journey. For instance, students are exposed to various technology education programs that include coding, graphic design, robotics, and even 3D printing.

Friendship PCS Tech Prep Academy offers a unique curriculum that allows students to learn and apply technologies through a hands-on approach. They are encouraged to experiment and explore their creativity on a digital platform, a skillset that sets them apart from their peers.

One of the significant advantages of attending Friendship PCS Tech Prep Academy is that the school provides students with access to technology that encourages active learning. All the students have access to Chromebooks, tablets, and PC.

The teachers at the Friendship PCS Tech Prep Academy are qualified professionals with a passion for technology and teaching. They believe in personalized teaching techniques, which have proven to be successful. The students receive one-on-one attention, which enhances their learning experience and fosters a strong sense of community and collaboration within the classroom.

Beyond the classroom, students at Friendship PCS Tech Prep Academy have ample opportunities to showcase their skills and engage in extra-curricular activities. The school has numerous sports teams, creative clubs, music programs, and community outreach programs that allow students to socialize and pursue their interests outside the classroom.

Friendship PCS Tech Prep Academy believes in providing all students with equal opportunities. The school offers scholarships to deserving students who may not have access to premium education due to financial constraints. The school also aims to foster diversity and inclusion through its educational programs, encouraging students from different communities to experience a first-rate education.

The school values parental involvement in their child's learning journey. Therefore, the school regularly organizes Parent-Teacher meetings, where parents can interact with teachers and discuss their child's progress.

The Friendship PCS Tech Prep Academy provides an opportunity for students to cultivate lifelong skills that will help them succeed in any career. The curriculum is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of leading-edge technologies such as coding, software engineering, programming, and robotics, preparing them for success in the More importantly, students imbibe essential life skills such as collaboration, critical thinking, problem-solving, and leadership, among others.

In conclusion, the Friendship Public Charter School Tech Prep Academy provides quality STEM education that can prepare students for the future. They provide the necessary tools for students to learn and grow within a positive environment of support and continuous growth. As a result, Friendship PCS Tech Prep Academy remains one of the best schools to springboard your child's STEM careers.

If you're interested in enrolling your child and want to find out more about the school's admission criteria, please visit Here you'll discover everything you need to know to start your child's academic journey.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. We hope it provided insight into why Friendship Public Charter School Tech Prep Academy is an excellent choice for your child's education.

People Also Ask About Friendship Public Charter School Tech Prep Academy

What Is Friendship Public Charter School Tech Prep Academy?

Friendship Public Charter School Tech Prep Academy is a tuition-free public charter school in Washington, D.C. that focuses on preparing students for careers in the technology industry. It serves students in grades 6-12 and offers a wide range of courses and extracurricular activities to help students succeed academically and professionally.

What Makes Friendship Public Charter School Tech Prep Academy Unique?

There are several factors that make Friendship Public Charter School Tech Prep Academy unique:

  1. The school offers a specialized curriculum that prepares students for careers in the technology industry.
  2. The school has partnerships with local technology companies, providing students with opportunities for internships and job shadowing experiences.
  3. The school offers a variety of extracurricular activities and clubs related to technology, such as robotics, coding, and gaming.
  4. The school has a strong commitment to diversity and inclusion, with a student body representing a wide range of backgrounds and experiences.

What Are the Admission Requirements for Friendship Public Charter School Tech Prep Academy?

Friendship Public Charter School Tech Prep Academy is open to all students in grades 6-12 who live in Washington, D.C. There are no admission requirements, but students must go through an enrollment process which includes completing an application and submitting required documents such as proof of residency and immunization records.

What Are the Academic Programs Offered at Friendship Public Charter School Tech Prep Academy?

Friendship Public Charter School Tech Prep Academy offers a range of academic programs designed to prepare students for careers in the technology industry, including:

  • A comprehensive computer science curriculum, including courses in coding, web design, and database management
  • Advanced Placement (AP) courses in subjects such as calculus, biology, and computer science
  • An honors program for gifted and talented students
  • A career and technical education program that provides students with the skills and knowledge needed to pursue careers in fields such as cybersecurity, network systems administration, and web development

What Support Services Are Available to Students at Friendship Public Charter School Tech Prep Academy?

Friendship Public Charter School Tech Prep Academy offers a range of support services to help students succeed academically and personally, including:

  • Individualized academic counseling and support
  • Peer tutoring and mentoring programs
  • Special education services for students with learning or developmental disabilities
  • Behavioral health services to address social-emotional needs