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Master Absolute Value Equations and Inequalities: A Comprehensive Guide by Khan Academy

Master Absolute Value Equations and Inequalities: A Comprehensive Guide by Khan Academy

Have you ever struggled with solving absolute value equations and inequalities? Do you find yourself lost and confused when trying to understand the concepts behind these problems?

Well, fear not! Khan Academy has got you covered. This online learning platform offers an extensive collection of resources and videos that will guide you through the process of solving absolute value problems.

But first, let's break down what absolute value actually means. Absolute value is the distance a number is from zero on a number line. For example, the absolute value of -3 is 3 because it is three units away from zero.

Now let's tackle some common questions about absolute value equations and inequalities:

  • What are absolute value equations? These are equations that involve absolute values, typically represented by two vertical bars enclosing a number or expression.
  • What are absolute value inequalities? These are inequalities that involve absolute values and indicate a range of possible solutions.

One of the main techniques used in solving absolute value equations and inequalities is to split the problem into two separate cases: one where the expression inside the absolute value bars is positive, and another where it is negative. By doing this, we can solve for both sets of solutions and combine them to get the final answer.

It's important to note that when solving absolute value inequalities, we must consider the direction of the inequality sign (less than or greater than) in relation to the position of the inequality on the number line. This will help us determine the correct solution.

Now, let's talk statistics. According to a study by the National Math and Science Initiative, only 57 percent of high school graduates are ready for college-level math. However, with the resources provided by Khan Academy, students have the opportunity to improve their understanding and mastery of topics such as absolute value equations and inequalities.

Furthermore, Khan Academy's interactive approach to learning allows students to practice and apply their knowledge through a variety of problems and exercises. This hands-on experience helps solidify their understanding of the material and prepares them for success in future math courses.

In conclusion, if you're struggling with absolute value equations and inequalities, there's no need to stress. With the help of Khan Academy, you can improve your skills and confidence in this area of math. Take advantage of their resources today and start mastering absolute value problems!

Absolute Value Equations And Inequalities Khan Academy
"Absolute Value Equations And Inequalities Khan Academy" ~ bbaz

Absolute value equations and inequalities are a fundamental concept in mathematics, especially in algebra, and are often seen in high school math classes. It is the notion of finding the distance between a value and zero. The absolute value of a number is the magnitude of that number without considering its sign.

What are Absolute Value Equations?

Absolute value equations involve finding the number or numbers that satisfy a given equation. The equations can be expressed as |x| = a, where a is a positive number. If the value of x is positive, then the equation becomes x = a. On the other hand, if the value of x is negative, then the equation becomes –x = a. We can solve both cases separately, but we usually just solve the equation twice with opposite signs since a positive and negative value of x would result in an absolute value equaling a positive number.

Solving Absolute Value Equations

Solving absolute value equations involves isolating x on one side of the equation. Once we have isolated the variable, we can check our answer by plugging it into the equation to make sure it satisfies both sides of the equation.

For example, consider the equation |2x – 4| = 6. First, we split this into two different equations:

2x - 4 = 6 => x = 5


−(2x − 4) = 6 => x = -1

Therefore, the two solutions are x = 5 and x = -1.

What are Absolute Value Inequalities?

Absolute value inequalities also involve absolute value expressions. These inequalities can be rewritten in the form of |x – a| < b or |x – a| > b, where a is a fixed number and b is a positive constant. It means that the distance between x and a is less than or greater than b units.

Solving Absolute Value Inequalities

To solve absolute value inequalities, we follow the same process as the absolute value equations. We first create two separate inequalities while considering both the positive and negative values for the absolute value.

For example, consider the inequality |5x + 3| < 13. We begin by isolating the absolute expression:

-13 < 5x + 3 < 13

We can then isolate x in each of these inequalities:

-16/5 < x < 2

Therefore, the solution to the inequality is -16/5 < x < 2.

Khan Academy’s Absolute Value Equations and Inequalities Course

If you are looking for a comprehensive resource to learn absolute value equations and inequalities, Khan Academy has an excellent course covering this topic. The course starts from the basics and provides a step-by-step explanation of the concepts involved in solving absolute value equations and inequalities.

Course Structure

The course consists of multiple video lectures, practice problems, and quizzes to test your understanding. The course begins with the basics of absolute value and covers different types of problems that can be solved using absolute value equations and inequalities.

The course covers the following topics:

  • Introduction to Absolute Value
  • Absolute Value Equations
  • Solving Absolute Value Inequalities Graphically
  • Interval Notation
  • Absolute Value Inequalities with One Absolute Value
  • Absolute Value Inequalities with Two Absolute Values

Benefits Of Khan Academy’s Course

One of the significant benefits of taking the course on Khan Academy is that it’s free. Anyone can access the course at any time and learn at their own pace. The site provides a comprehensive understanding of the topic and helps you build a solid foundation to tackle complex problems. Additionally, as you proceed through the course, you can test your understanding through timely quizzes, which help you keep track of your progress.


Absolute value equations and inequalities are an essential concept in algebra and mathematics. Understanding absolute value concepts will help students form a strong foundation for a variety of more complex mathematical concepts. Khan Academy’s course on Absolute Value Equations and Inequalities provides an excellent resource for students who want to master this topic. With its thorough coverage, engaging graphics, and interactive practice problems, it is an excellent choice for students of all ages and levels of expertise.

Comparison: Absolute Value Equations And Inequalities on Khan Academy

The Basics

Absolute value equations and inequalities are two fundamental concepts in algebra. They both involve a mathematical expression that measures the distance between a number and zero, regardless of whether the number is positive or negative. In an absolute value equation, we set this distance expression to a specific value, while in an inequality, we define a range of valid values.

Khan Academy is a popular online learning platform that offers comprehensive courses on various subjects, including math. The site provides extensive resources on absolute value equations and inequalities, making it an excellent place to learn and practice these concepts. So how does the platform compare when it comes to these topics? Let's take a closer look.

Content Coverage

When it comes to content coverage, Khan Academy does an impressive job of breaking down the material into manageable chunks. The platform offers several video lessons and practice exercises on absolute value equations, ranging from basic to advanced topics. The videos are clear and well-organized, and the exercises provide instant feedback to help students assess their understanding.

Similarly, the Khan Academy course on absolute value inequalities covers everything from how to solve basic problems to more complex applications involving multiple inequalities. The course includes several video lessons, interactive quizzes, and practice problems, all with step-by-step solutions and helpful tips.


One of the biggest advantages of Khan Academy is its accessibility. The site can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection, and all the content is available for free. This makes it an excellent resource for students who may not have access to traditional classroom materials or who need extra help outside of class.

Additionally, Khan Academy offers multi-language support, so students who speak a language other than English can still benefit from the platform's resources. The site also offers a mobile app that allows students to learn on-the-go, making it easier to fit learning into a busy schedule.


So, how effective is Khan Academy for learning absolute value equations and inequalities? According to many users, the platform is an excellent resource for mastering these concepts. The videos are engaging and easy to follow, and the practice exercises provide ample opportunity for practice and reinforcement.

However, some users have reported that the exercises can be repetitive and not challenging enough for advanced students. Additionally, while the step-by-step solutions provided are helpful for learning, they may not encourage students to develop their problem-solving skills independently.

Pros and Cons

Here's a table summarizing the pros and cons of using Khan Academy for learning absolute value equations and inequalities:

Pros Cons
-Comprehensive content coverage -May be too basic for advanced students
-Clear and engaging videos -Exercises can be repetitive
-Instant feedback on practice problems -Solutions may discourage independent problem-solving
-Accessible from anywhere with an internet connection
-Multi-language support
-Mobile app for on-the-go learning


Overall, Khan Academy is a valuable resource for anyone looking to learn or review absolute value equations and inequalities. The platform's extensive content coverage, accessibility, and effectiveness make it an excellent choice for students of all levels.

However, as with any learning tool, it's essential to keep in mind the potential drawbacks. While Khan Academy does an outstanding job of breaking down the material into bite-sized chunks, some students may find the content too basic or repetitive. Additionally, while the solutions provided are helpful, they may not encourage independent problem-solving skills.

That said, with its features like mobile app, multi-language support, clear &engaging video lessons, and accessible anywhere can also help students learn more easily.

A Comprehensive Guide to Absolute Value Equations and Inequalities on Khan Academy

If you're studying algebra, you probably know that absolute value equations and inequalities can be a bit tricky. If you need some extra help, Khan Academy is an excellent resource. Here's a step-by-step guide to using Khan Academy to master absolute value equations and inequalities.

Getting Started with Absolute Value

Before jumping into absolute value equations and inequalities, it's essential to have a solid understanding of what absolute value is. Absolute value is the distance from zero on the number line. So, for example, the absolute value of -3 is 3, because that's how far away -3 is from zero.Khan Academy's first course on absolute value covers the basics thoroughly. Once you've completed this course, you'll be ready to move on to absolute value equations and inequalities.

Solving Absolute Value Equations

To solve an absolute value equation, you'll need to isolate the absolute value expression on one side of the equation. Then, you'll need to consider two different cases: one in which the expression inside the absolute value bars is positive, and one in which it's negative. Finally, you'll solve for both cases to get two solutions.Khan Academy's course on solving absolute value equations has several videos that walk you through various examples. Make sure to practice these on your own, too!

Solving Absolute Value Inequalities

Solving absolute value inequalities isn't much different from solving absolute value equations, but there are a few extra steps involved. First, you'll need to solve the inequality as if the absolute value weren't there. Then, you'll need to create two additional inequalities, one for each possible solution for the absolute value expression.Khan Academy's course on solving absolute value inequalities covers all of the steps in detail. There are also plenty of practice problems to help you master the concept.

Graphing Absolute Value Inequalities

When you graph an absolute value inequality, you're looking for all of the points on the number line that satisfy the inequality. This can be a bit tricky, but Khan Academy's course on graphing linear inequalities has a section on absolute value inequalities that can help.The key is to break up the number line into three parts: the section to the left of the absolute value expression, the section between the two solutions, and the section to the right of the expression. Then, you'll shade the parts of the number line that satisfy the inequality.

Word Problems Involving Absolute Value

The final section of Khan Academy's absolute value course covers word problems involving absolute value. These can be some of the trickiest problems, as they often involve multiple steps and careful consideration of the given information.To solve these problems, start by defining your variable and writing an equation or inequality that models the situation. Then, use your knowledge of solving absolute value equations and inequalities to find the answer.

Tips and Tricks

Here are a few tips and tricks to keep in mind as you work through the Khan Academy absolute value course:- Practice, practice, practice: The more practice problems you solve, the more confident you'll feel with the material.- Be patient: Absolute value equations and inequalities can take some time to master, so don't get discouraged if you don't understand everything right away.- Ask for help: If you're really struggling with a particular concept, don't hesitate to ask your teacher or tutor for assistance.- Take breaks: Studying for long periods without a break can lead to burnout. Take breaks regularly to give your brain a chance to rest and recharge.- Use Khan Academy's community: If you get stuck on a problem, try posting it in Khan Academy's community forums. Other users may be able to help you find the solution.


Absolute value equations and inequalities are an essential part of algebra, and mastering them will make many other concepts much easier to understand. With Khan Academy's comprehensive course, you'll have all the tools you need to succeed. Just remember to take your time, practice regularly, and don't hesitate to ask for help if you need it. Good luck!

Absolute Value Equations and Inequalities: A Guide to Understanding

Are you struggling with absolute value equations and inequalities? Look no further than Khan Academy. This online resource provides an excellent platform for learning about this mathematical concept. By the time you finish reading this guide, you'll have a solid understanding of how to solve absolute value equations and inequalities.

To begin, let's define what absolute value is. Absolute value is the distance between a number and zero on a number line. It is always positive since distance cannot be negative. The absolute value of a number is symbolized by two vertical bars, as in |x|.

Now that we have an understanding of what absolute value is, it's time to delve into solving absolute value equations. When solving an absolute value equation, we must first isolate the absolute value term on one side of the equation. We then have two cases to consider: if the absolute value expression equals a positive value, we take the value and make it equal to the real number within the absolute value bars, and if it equals a negative value, there is no solution.

Let's take a look at an example:

|2x| = 6

We would begin by isolating the absolute value term:

2x = 6 or 2x= -6

If 2x equals 6, we divide by 2 and get x=3. If 2x equals -6, dividing both sides by 2 gives us x=-3. Thus, our solutions are x=3 and x=-3.

Next, let's move on to solving absolute value inequalities. The process is similar, but with one added step. When we have an absolute value inequality, we must solve for two cases: when the expression is greater than or equal to zero, and when it is less than zero. We then combine these solutions to find the solution set for the inequality.

For example:

|x-4| < 2

We begin by isolating the absolute value term:

-2 < x-4 < 2

Adding 4 to all sides of the inequality gives us:

2< x < 6

Thus, our solution set is 2

If you're still struggling with absolute value equations and inequalities after reading through this guide, don't fret. Khan Academy offers a multitude of exercises and videos to help reinforce your understanding. With regular practice, you'll be able to tackle any absolute value equation or inequality that comes your way!

So, what are you waiting for? Head over to Khan Academy and start practicing. Before you know it, these math concepts will become second nature to you.

Thank you for reading, and we hope this guide has been helpful in your understanding of absolute value equations and inequalities.

People Also Ask about Absolute Value Equations and Inequalities Khan Academy

What is an absolute value equation?

An absolute value equation is an equation that contains the absolute value of a variable. Absolute value equations are typically written in the form |x−a| = b, where a and b are real numbers.

How do you solve absolute value equations?

To solve an absolute value equation, you need to isolate the absolute value first. Then, you must determine both the positive and negative solutions by setting the equation equal to both a positive and a negative version of b. Finally, you need to check your solution(s) by substituting them back into the original equation to make sure they work.

What is an absolute value inequality?

An absolute value inequality is similar to an absolute value equation, but instead of an equal sign, it includes either a less than or greater than sign. Absolute value inequalities are typically written in the form |x−a| < b or |x−a| > b, where a and b are real numbers.

How do you solve absolute value inequalities?

To solve an absolute value inequality, you need to isolate the absolute value first. Then, you must determine two separate inequalities - one for the positive solution and one for the negative solution - based on whether the original inequality was less than or greater than. Finally, you need to graph the solutions on a number line to provide a clearer visual representation of the solution set.

What is the Khan Academy?

The Khan Academy is a non-profit educational organization that provides free online courses in a wide variety of academic subjects. The organization offers videos, practice exercises and assessments to help students learn and master a range of topics, including math, science, economics, and more. Absolute Value Equations and Inequalities is just one of the many courses available through Khan Academy.